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Equipping a Diverse and Resilient NIDDK Workforce


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Event Details


Career development of biomedical and health science professionals is a cornerstone of the research enterprise. It ensures the future of innovation and high-quality health care for Americans. In recent years, career aspirations of trainees in the health sciences workforce have changed. A greater percentage of trainees in traditional academic scientific and medical programs now choose to exit academia and take positions in other sectors1. This trend may necessitate expanding our thinking from a scientific career “pipeline” to an “ecosystem” in which NIDDK-supported research and investigators flourish. Over the course of this two-day workshop, NIDDK aims to hear from graduate students and early-career scholars concerning their perceptions of the training “ecosystem”. We aim to articulate the many biomedical career paths after graduate education, to understand how graduate training programs may or may not align with longer term goals of trainees, and to understand barriers to advancement faced by graduate students and early-career scholars, including those from diverse backgrounds (see Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity). NIDDK expects this discussion will promote creative strategies for scientific training, networking, mentorship, and sponsorship to provide inclusive support and allow trainees to capitalize on their life learnings.

Postgraduation trends from the survey of earned doctorates. National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics. 2023. Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities: 2022. NSF 24-300. Alexandria, VA: National Science Foundation. Available at https://ncses.nsf.gov/pubs/nsf24300.

Meeting Objectives

  • Graduate students and early-career scholars share
    • their perceptions of the training “ecosystem”
    • how graduate training programs may or may not align with longer term goals of trainees.
  • Invited speakers and panelists articulate the many biomedical career paths after graduate education.
  • Identify barriers to advancement faced by graduate students and early-career scholars.
  • Generate and consider creative strategies for scientific training, networking, mentorship, and sponsorship.

Junior-level participants (students, fellows, instructors, and assistant professors) with the highest-scoring abstracts will be eligible for a modest travel award.

Co-Sponsors and Organizing Committee

External Organizers:

Adebowale Bamidele, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic
Krystle Frahm, Ph.D., Eisai US
Stephanie Leal, B.S., University of California, San Diego
Elizabeth Nguyen, M.D., Ph.D., Seattle Children’s Hospital
Josephine Ni, M.D., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Staci Weaver, Ph.D., Eli Lilly and Company
Ian Williamson, Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Sonya Wolf-Fortune, Ph.D., University of Michigan

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institutes of Health (NIH):

Kevin Chan, M.D.
Jason Conage-Pough, Ph.D.
Yan Li, Ph.D.
Christine Maric-Bilkan, Ph.D.
Saira Mehmood, Ph.D.
Ludmila Pawlikowska, Ph.D.
Voula Osganian, M.D., Sc.D., M.P.H.
Cindy Roy, Ph.D.
Katrina Serrano, Ph.D.

Registration Deadline

September 23, 2024

Event Logistics


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Neuroscience Center Building
6001 Executive Boulevard
Rockville, MD 20852

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Program Contacts
Cindy Roy, Ph.D., NIDDK, NIH
Email: cindy.roy@nih.gov
T: 301-356-2931

Meeting Logistics
Mark Dennis
The Scientific Consulting Group, Inc.
Email: mdennis@scgcorp.com
T: 301-670-4990

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