Event Details
Event Details
More than 700 researchers have participated in NMRI workshops in the past decade, and approximately 100+ are active members. The success of the NMRI, a network that is “owned” by its members and supported by the NIDDK, begins with the dedication of senior investigators who mentor and serve as role models for junior investigators. The participation of active members and the recruitment of new members is a primary reason for the Network’s success in the past and the reason for confidence that it will continue to grow in the future.
Meeting Objectives
- Mentorship
- Poster Presentation
- Scholarly exchange among field leaders
Who can attend?
The meeting is open to all underrepresented minority investigators, including post-graduate doctoral students, who are conducting biomedical research in the fields of
- Diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism
- Digestive and liver diseases, nutrition
- Kidney, urologic, and hematologic diseases
Registration Deadline
October 7, 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline
September 16, 2024
Agenda coming soon.
Limited Travel Awards of up to $500 for eligible members to attend the NMRI South Region Meeting are available. Awards will be given with priority to those that (1) have never participated in a NMRI meeting, (2) are junior faculty up to the Assistant Professor level and (3) are presenters of an abstract for the South Region Meeting Poster Session. Limited Travel Awards of up to $800 are available for eligible senior members, Associate Professor and Professor level, willing to mentor a junior member.
To be eligible for membership and be considered for a travel award, investigators must meet the following criteria: (1) be at the post-doctoral level or higher; (2) interested or actively conducting research to address health disparities and advance health equity; (3) conducting research in the fields of diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, digestive disease, nutrition, kidney, urologic, and hematologic diseases; (4) be a U.S. citizen or have permanent resident status; (5) be from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, N. Carolina, Oklahoma, S. Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia.
Hotel Accommodations
Courtyard Miami at Dolphin Mall
11275 NW 12th Street
Miami, FL 33172
Telephone: (305) 994-9343
Reserve a room
Government Room Rate
A limited number of sleeping rooms for conference participants has been reserved at the Courtyard Miami at Dolphin Mall. The rate is $169.00 per night plus tax. The room block will be in effect until Monday, September 23, 2024, or until full, whichever comes first. Any room reservations received after that date will be accepted on a space-and rate-availability basis.
Abstract Submission Deadline
September 16, 2024
Submitting Abstracts and Posters
Abstracts can be emailed to Winnie Martinez as a Microsoft Word document by the deadline date listed above. Please put “NMRI Abstract - (Translational, Basic or Clinical)” in the subject line. Or you may upload your abstract on your registration page. Please indicate a category (Translational, Basic, or Clinical) on top right corner and follow the guidelines below.
Abstract Organization
Organize the body of the abstract as follows:
- Statement of the purpose of the study/program/project;
- Statement of the methods used;
- Summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusion
- Statement of the conclusions reached.
Formatting Requirements
Your abstract must conform to the above guidelines, as incorrect formatting could result in disqualification.
- The abstract should be typed single-spaced, type no smaller than 10 point (12 cpi).
- Use a common font (e.g., Helvetica, Times New Roman, or Arial)
- Set the margins to the following using Microsoft Word: Top 1"; Bottom 1"; Left 1.25"; Right 1".
- Abstract should be no more than one page in length.
- The abstract’s title should be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS and should clearly represent the nature of the investigation.
- Title should be followed in lowercase letters by the author’s first and last names, degree, affiliation (if applicable), city, state, and country. Underline the primary author’s name (one primary author per abstract).
- Leave one blank line between the title and the body of the abstract, and between paragraphs.
- Do not indent paragraphs.
- Use of standard abbreviations is desirable (e.g., RBC). Use kg, gm, mg, mL, L, and %. Place a special or unusual abbreviation in parentheses after the full word the first time that it appears.
- Use numerals to indicate numbers except to begin sentences.
- Do not use subtitles (e.g., Methods, Results).
- Simple tables or graphs may be included; however, they must fit within the designated abstract space.
- The abstract file should be saved as: primary author’s last name_first word in the title (e.g., Zucker_Effects).
Poster Presentations
Posters will be judged based on the criteria listed below:
- Did the poster have an appropriate organization (layout of the poster -title, sections)?
- Did the introduction reflect why the project is important?
- Was the hypothesis clearly stated?
- Did the researcher use appropriate methods in the study?
- Were the findings in the result section clear and concise?
- Was the discussion consistent with the initial hypothesis?
- Was the conclusion supported by the results?
- Did the researcher specify any limitations and how to address them
Poster Presentations will be displayed on 4-foot-high by 6-foot-wide poster boards. Pushpins and Velcro will be provided. All presenters must register for the workshop.