Vipul Periwal, Ph.D.
Section Chief:
Computational Medicine Section, Laboratory of Biological Modeling
Scientific Focus Areas: Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics, Cancer Biology, Computational Biology, Developmental Biology, Systems Biology
A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
Select Publications
- Genome-wide covariation in SARS-CoV-2.
- Cresswell-Clay E, Periwal V.
- Math Biosci (2021 Nov) 341:108678. Abstract/Full Text
- Mechanistic gene networks inferred from single-cell data with an outlier-insensitive method.
- Han J, Perera S, Wunderlich Z, Periwal V.
- Math Biosci (2021 Dec) 342:108722. Abstract/Full Text
- Annealing approach to root-finding.
- Jo J, Wagemakers A, Periwal V.
- ArXiv (2024 Aug 1) Abstract/Full Text
- Dory: Computation of persistence diagrams up to dimension two for Vietoris-Rips filtrations of large data sets.
- Aggarwal M, Periwal V.
- J Comput Sci (2024 Jul) 79. Abstract/Full Text
- Geometric and topological characterization of the cytoarchitecture of islets of Langerhans.
- Aggarwal M, Striegel DA, Hara M, Periwal V.
- PLoS Comput Biol (2023 Nov) 19:e1011617. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- Associations of GlycA and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein with measures of lipolysis in adults with obesity.
- Levine JA, Han JM, Wolska A, Wilson SR, Patel TP, Remaley AT, Periwal V, Yanovski JA, Demidowich AP.
- J Clin Lipidol (2020 Sep-Oct) 14:667-674. Abstract/Full Text
- Cryptic genetic variation enhances primate L1 retrotransposon survival by enlarging the functional coiled coil sequence space of ORF1p.
- Furano AV, Jones CE, Periwal V, Callahan KE, Walser JC, Cook PR.
- PLoS Genet (2020 Aug) 16:e1008991. Abstract/Full Text
- Erasure machine: Inverse Ising inference from reweighting of observation frequencies.
- Jo J, Hoang DT, Periwal V.
- Phys Rev E (2020 Mar) 101:032107. Abstract/Full Text
- Intact glucose uptake despite deteriorating signaling in adipocytes with high-fat feeding.
- Hansson B, Wasserstrom S, Morén B, Periwal V, Vikman P, Cushman SW, Göransson O, Storm P, Stenkula KG.
- J Mol Endocrinol (2018 Apr) 60:199-211. Abstract/Full Text
- Correlated rigid modes in protein families.
- Striegel DA, Wojtowicz D, Przytycka TM, Periwal V.
- Phys Biol (2016 Apr 11) 13:025003. Abstract/Full Text
- Metabolic scaling predicts posthepatectomy liver regeneration after accounting for hepatocyte hypertrophy.
- Young LH, Periwal V.
- Liver Transpl (2016 Apr) 22:476-84. Abstract/Full Text
- Modeling glucose and free fatty acid kinetics in glucose and meal tolerance test.
- Li Y, Chow CC, Courville AB, Sumner AE, Periwal V.
- Theor Biol Med Model (2016 Mar 2) 13:8. Abstract/Full Text
- Adipose cell hypertrophy precedes the appearance of small adipocytes by 3 days in C57BL/6 mouse upon changing to a high fat diet.
- Li Y, Periwal V, Cushman SW, Stenkula KG.
- Adipocyte (2016 Jan-Mar) 5:81-7. Abstract/Full Text
- Biochemical and clinical deficiency is uncommon in African immigrants despite a high prevalence of low vitamin D: the Africans in America study.
- Thoreson CK, Chung ST, Ricks M, Reynolds JC, Remaley AT, Periwal V, Li Y, Sumner AE.
- Osteoporos Int (2015 Nov) 26:2607-2615. Abstract/Full Text
- The jigsaw puzzle of sequence phenotype inference: Piecing together Shannon entropy, importance sampling, and Empirical Bayes.
- Shreif Z, Striegel DA, Periwal V.
- J Theor Biol (2015 Sep 7) 380:399-413. Abstract/Full Text
- The Beta Cell in Its Cluster: Stochastic Graphs of Beta Cell Connectivity in the Islets of Langerhans.
- Striegel DA, Hara M, Periwal V.
- PLoS Comput Biol (2015 Aug) 11:e1004423. Abstract/Full Text
- Beta-cell destruction and preservation in childhood and adult onset type 1 diabetes.
- Poudel A, Savari O, Striegel DA, Periwal V, Taxy J, Millis JM, Witkowski P, Atkinson MA, Hara M.
- Endocrine (2015 Aug) 49:693-702. Abstract/Full Text
- Macro fat and micro fat: insulin sensitivity and gender dependent response of adipose tissue to isocaloric diet change.
- Li Y, Gaillard JR, McLaughlin T, Sørensen TIa, Periwal V.
- Adipocyte (2015 Oct-Dec) 4:256-63. Abstract/Full Text
- Diabetes Associated Metabolomic Perturbations in NOD Mice.
- Grapov D, Fahrmann J, Hwang J, Poudel A, Jo J, Periwal V, Fiehn O, Hara M.
- Metabolomics (2015 Apr) 11:425-437. Abstract/Full Text
- A conserved rule for pancreatic islet organization.
- Hoang DT, Matsunari H, Nagaya M, Nagashima H, Millis JM, Witkowski P, Periwal V, Hara M, Jo J.
- PLoS One (2014) 9:e110384. Abstract/Full Text
- Mathematical model of liver regeneration in human live donors.
- Periwal V, Gaillard JR, Needleman L, Doria C.
- J Cell Physiol (2014 May) 229:599-606. Abstract/Full Text
- A network characteristic that correlates environmental and genetic robustness.
- Shreif Z, Periwal V.
- PLoS Comput Biol (2014 Feb) 10:e1003474. Abstract/Full Text
- Regional differences in islet distribution in the human pancreas--preferential beta-cell loss in the head region in patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Wang X, Misawa R, Zielinski MC, Cowen P, Jo J, Periwal V, Ricordi C, Khan A, Szust J, Shen J, Millis JM, Witkowski P, Hara M.
- PLoS One (2013) 8:e67454. Abstract/Full Text
- The fractal spatial distribution of pancreatic islets in three dimensions: a self-avoiding growth model.
- Jo J, Hörnblad A, Kilimnik G, Hara M, Ahlgren U, Periwal V.
- Phys Biol (2013 Jun) 10:036009. Abstract/Full Text
- Sex-associated differences in free fatty acid flux of obese adolescents.
- Adler-Wailes DC, Periwal V, Ali AH, Brady SM, McDuffie JR, Uwaifo GI, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Salaita CG, Hubbard VS, Reynolds JC, Chow CC, Sumner AE, Yanovski JA.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2013 Apr) 98:1676-84. Abstract/Full Text
- Synergy in free radical generation is blunted by high-fat diet induced alterations in skeletal muscle mitochondrial metabolism.
- Li Y, Periwal V.
- Biophys J (2013 Mar 5) 104:1127-41. Abstract/Full Text
- Quantitative dynamics of adipose cells.
- Jo J, Shreif Z, Periwal V.
- Adipocyte (2012 Apr 1) 1:80-88. Abstract/Full Text
- Quantification of islet size and architecture.
- Kilimnik G, Jo J, Periwal V, Zielinski MC, Hara M.
- Islets (2012 Mar-Apr) 4:167-72. Abstract/Full Text
- Bayesian functional integral method for inferring continuous data from discrete measurements.
- Heuett WJ, Miller BV 3rd, Racette SB, Holloszy JO, Chow CC, Periwal V.
- Biophys J (2012 Feb 8) 102:399-406. Abstract/Full Text
- Mathematical models of pancreatic islet size distributions.
- Jo J, Hara M, Ahlgren U, Sorenson R, Periwal V.
- Islets (2012 Jan-Feb) 4:10-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Formation of pancreatic islets involves coordinated expansion of small islets and fission of large interconnected islet-like structures.
- Jo J, Kilimnik G, Kim A, Guo C, Periwal V, Hara M.
- Biophys J (2011 Aug 3) 101:565-74. Abstract/Full Text
- Higher acute insulin response to glucose may determine greater free fatty acid clearance in African-American women.
- Chow CC, Periwal V, Csako G, Ricks M, Courville AB, Miller BV 3rd, Vega GL, Sumner AE.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2011 Aug) 96:2456-63. Abstract/Full Text
- Computer-assisted large-scale visualization and quantification of pancreatic islet mass, size distribution and architecture.
- Kim A, Kilimnik G, Guo C, Sung J, Jo J, Periwal V, Witkowski P, Dilorio P, Hara M.
- J Vis Exp (2011 Mar 4) Abstract/Full Text
- Altered islet composition and disproportionate loss of large islets in patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Kilimnik G, Zhao B, Jo J, Periwal V, Witkowski P, Misawa R, Hara M.
- PLoS One (2011) 6:e27445. Abstract/Full Text
- Hypertrophy-driven adipocyte death overwhelms recruitment under prolonged weight gain.
- Jo J, Guo J, Liu T, Mullen S, Hall KD, Cushman SW, Periwal V.
- Biophys J (2010 Dec 1) 99:3535-44. Abstract/Full Text
- Expression in aneuploid Drosophila S2 cells.
- Zhang Y, Malone JH, Powell SK, Periwal V, Spana E, Macalpine DM, Oliver B.
- PLoS Biol (2010 Feb 23) 8:e1000320. Abstract/Full Text
- Waves of adipose tissue growth in the genetically obese Zucker fatty rat.
- MacKellar J, Cushman SW, Periwal V.
- PLoS One (2010 Jan 22) 5:e8197. Abstract/Full Text
- Autoregulation of free radicals via uncoupling protein control in pancreatic beta-cell mitochondria.
- Heuett WJ, Periwal V.
- Biophys J (2010 Jan 20) 98:207-17. Abstract/Full Text
- Cdk4 regulates recruitment of quiescent beta-cells and ductal epithelial progenitors to reconstitute beta-cell mass.
- Lee JH, Jo J, Hardikar AA, Periwal V, Rane SG.
- PLoS One (2010 Jan 13) 5:e8653. Abstract/Full Text
- Differential effects of thiazolidinediones on adipocyte growth and recruitment in Zucker fatty rats.
- MacKellar J, Cushman SW, Periwal V.
- PLoS One (2009 Dec 24) 4:e8196. Abstract/Full Text
- Islet formation during the neonatal development in mice.
- Miller K, Kim A, Kilimnik G, Jo J, Moka U, Periwal V, Hara M.
- PLoS One (2009 Nov 6) 4:e7739. Abstract/Full Text
- A model of liver regeneration.
- Furchtgott LA, Chow CC, Periwal V.
- Biophys J (2009 May 20) 96:3926-35. Abstract/Full Text
- Hypertrophy and/or Hyperplasia: Dynamics of Adipose Tissue Growth.
- Jo J, Gavrilova O, Pack S, Jou W, Mullen S, Sumner AE, Cushman SW, Periwal V.
- PLoS Comput Biol (2009 Mar) 5:e1000324. Abstract/Full Text
- Evaluation of quantitative models of the effect of insulin on lipolysis and glucose disposal.
- Periwal V, Chow CC, Bergman RN, Ricks M, Vega GL, Sumner AE.
- Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol (2008 Oct) 295:R1089-96. Abstract/Full Text
- Patterns in food intake correlate with body mass index.
- Periwal V, Chow CC.
- Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2006 Nov) 291:E929-36. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed February 2024