The Human Proteome - A Scientific Opportunity for Transforming Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and Healthcare
Event Details
There have been several discussions about the Human Proteome Project and the way that it could extend and build on the success of the Human Genome Project. The fact that proteins are the major components of biological networks and molecular machines, and that proteins are the target for the large majority of drugs available today, strongly indicates that a deeper knowledge of the human proteome and the development of the technologies needed for analyzing large subsets of proteins in a clinical setting could transform the way that we do diagnostics and could substantially enhance the overall health care enterprise.
Several efforts to enhance proteomics technologies have been made in recent years, including the NIH Common Fund-supported Technology Centers for Networks and Pathways program and Protein Capture programs, the Human Protein Atlas Project, the Human Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) Atlas, and the HUPO Human Proteome Project. The best course of action, however, for capitalizing on recent technology developments is not clear. There are indeed many possible opportunities to synergize with these efforts.
Meeting Objectives
Briefly, the main goal of this NIH Workshop is to articulate ways in which members of the biomedical research community can capitalize on recent technology advances and synergize with ongoing efforts to advance the field of human proteomics. If ongoing needs for dedicated funds are identified, a white paper will be developed to articulate these needs. This will be shared with the Institutes and Centers of the NIH for their consideration. The principal purpose of this Workshop is to provide a forum for the community to consider best use of recent technological advances to move the field forward.
Salvatore Sechi, Maureen Beanan (NIAID), Laurie Nadler (NIMH), Pothur Srinivas (NHLBI)
Workshop Chairs
Daniel Chan, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Mark Gerstein, Yale University
Matthias Mann, Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Gil Omenn, University of Michigan
Marc Vidal, Harvard University
Event Logistics
Hyatt Regency
1 Bethesda Metro Center
Program Contact
Dr. Salvatore Sechi
T: 301-594-8814
Meeting Logistics
Michelle Watson
The Scientific Consulting Group, Inc.
T: 301-670-4990