Jeffrey B. Kopp, M.D.

Section Chief:
Kidney Disease Section, Kidney Diseases Branch
Scientific Focus Areas: Cell Biology, Clinical Research, Genetics and Genomics, Health Disparities, Virology
A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
Select Publications
- Lessons From APOL1 Animal Models.
- Yoshida T, Latt KZ, Heymann J, Kopp JB.
- Front Med (Lausanne) (2021) 8:762901. Abstract/Full Text
- Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Mechanisms Affecting Chronic Kidney Disease.
- Curran CS, Kopp JB.
- Front Pharmacol (2022) 13:782199. Abstract/Full Text
- Transcriptomic Analysis of Human Podocytes In Vitro: Effects of Differentiation and APOL1 Genotype.
- Yoshida T, Latt KZ, Rosenberg AZ, Shrivastav S, Heymann J, Halushka MK, Winkler CA, Kopp JB.
- Kidney Int Rep (2023 Jan) 8:164-178. Abstract/Full Text
- Urine Single-Cell RNA Sequencing in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Reveals Inflammatory Signatures.
- Latt KZ, Heymann J, Jessee JH, Rosenberg AZ, Berthier CC, Arazi A, Eddy S, Yoshida T, Zhao Y, Chen V, Nelson GW, Cam M, Kumar P, Mehta M, Kelly MC, Kretzler M, Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network (NEPTUNE), Accelerating Medicines Partnership in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (AMP RA/SLE) Consortium, Ray PE, Moxey-Mims M, Gorman GH, Lechner BL, Regunathan-Shenk R, Raj DS, Susztak K, Winkler CA, Kopp JB.
- Kidney Int Rep (2022 Feb) 7:289-304. Abstract/Full Text
- HIV-1 Vpr suppresses expression of the thiazide-sensitive sodium chloride co-transporter in the distal convoluted tubule.
- Shrivastav S, Lee H, Okamoto K, Lu H, Yoshida T, Latt KZ, Wakashin H, Dalgleish JLT, Koritzinsky EH, Xu P, Asico LD, Chung JY, Hewitt S, Gildea JJ, Felder RA, Jose PA, Rosenberg AZ, Knepper MA, Kino T, Kopp JB.
- PLoS One (2022) 17:e0273313. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- HIV viral protein R induces loss of DCT1-type renal tubules.
- Latt KZ, Yoshida T, Shrivastav S, Abedini A, Reece JM, Sun Z, Lee H, Okamoto K, Dagur P, Heymann J, Zhao Y, Chung JY, Hewitt S, Jose PA, Lee K, He JC, Winkler CA, Knepper MA, Kino T, Rosenberg AZ, Susztak K, Kopp JB.
- bioRxiv (2023 Nov 13) Abstract/Full Text
- Phenotypes of APOL1 High-Risk Status Subjects.
- Kopp JB, Yoshida T.
- J Am Soc Nephrol (2023 May 1) 34:735-736. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 kidney risk variants in glomerular diseases modeled in transgenic mice.
- Yoshida T, Latt KZ, Santo BA, Shrivastav S, Zhao Y, Fenaroli P, Chung JY, Hewitt SM, Tutino VM, Sarder P, Rosenberg AZ, Winkler CA, Kopp JB.
- bioRxiv (2023 Mar 27) Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 renal risk variants exacerbate podocyte injury by increasing inflammatory stress.
- Wakashin H, Heymann J, Roshanravan H, Daneshpajouhnejad P, Rosenberg A, Shin MK, Hoek M, Kopp JB.
- BMC Nephrol (2020 Aug 27) 21:371. Abstract/Full Text
- Podocyte Density and Albuminuria in Aging Diabetic Ins2± Mice with or Without Adenosine A1 Receptor Signaling.
- Faulhaber-Walter R, Jiang L, Mizel D, Zerfas PM, Kopp JB, Schnermann JB, Chen L, Schiffer M.
- Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis (2020) 13:19-26. Abstract/Full Text
- One Actor, Many Roles: Histopathologies Associated With APOL1 Genetic Variants.
- Kopp JB, Rosenberg AZ.
- Adv Anat Pathol (2019 May) 26:215-219. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 renal risk variants promote cholesterol accumulation in tissues and cultured macrophages from APOL1 transgenic mice.
- Ryu JH, Ge M, Merscher S, Rosenberg AZ, Desante M, Roshanravan H, Okamoto K, Shin MK, Hoek M, Fornoni A, Kopp JB.
- PLoS One (2019) 14:e0211559. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 risk allele RNA contributes to renal toxicity by activating protein kinase R.
- Okamoto K, Rausch JW, Wakashin H, Fu Y, Chung JY, Dummer PD, Shin MK, Chandra P, Suzuki K, Shrivastav S, Rosenberg AZ, Hewitt SM, Ray PE, Noiri E, Le Grice SFJ, Hoek M, Han Z, Winkler CA, Kopp JB.
- Commun Biol (2018) 1:188. Abstract/Full Text
- ApoL1 renal risk variants induce aberrant THP-1 monocyte differentiation and increase eicosanoid production via enhanced expression of cyclooxygenase-2.
- Lee H, Roshanravan H, Wang Y, Okamoto K, Ryu J, Shrivastav S, Qu P, Kopp JB.
- Am J Physiol Renal Physiol (2018 Jul 1) 315:F140-F150. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 Nephropathy Risk Variants and Incident Cardiovascular Disease Events in Community-Dwelling Black Adults.
- Gutiérrez OM, Irvin MR, Chaudhary NS, Cushman M, Zakai NA, David VA, Limou S, Pamir N, Reiner AP, Naik RP, Sale MM, Safford MM, Hyacinth HI, Judd SE, Kopp JB, Winkler CA.
- Circ Genom Precis Med (2018 Jun) 11:e002098. Abstract/Full Text
- Apolipoprotein L1 nephropathies: 2017 in review.
- Kopp JB, Roshanravan H, Okamoto K.
- Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens (2018 May) 27:153-158. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 nephropathy risk variants do not associate with subclinical atherosclerosis or left ventricular mass in middle-aged black adults.
- Gutiérrez OM, Limou S, Lin F, Peralta CA, Kramer HJ, Carr JJ, Bibbins-Domingo K, Winkler CA, Lewis CE, Kopp JB.
- Kidney Int (2018 Mar) 93:727-732. Abstract/Full Text
- Kidney Diseases Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection.
- Cohen SD, Kopp JB, Kimmel PL.
- N Engl J Med (2017 Dec 14) 377:2363-2374. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 Renal Risk Variants: Fertile Soil for HIV-Associated Nephropathy.
- Kopp JB, Heymann J, Winkler CA.
- Semin Nephrol (2017 Nov) 37:514-519. Abstract/Full Text
- Chronic Kidney Disease in the Aging Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Population.
- Kopp JB.
- J Infect Dis (2017 Sep 15) 216:619-621. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 Risk Variants Independently Associated With Early Cardiovascular Disease Death.
- Hughson MD, Hoy WE, Mott SA, Bertram JF, Winkler CA, Kopp JB.
- Kidney Int Rep (2018 Jan) 3:89-98. Abstract/Full Text
- A tripartite complex of suPAR, APOL1 risk variants and α(v)β(3) integrin on podocytes mediates chronic kidney disease.
- Hayek SS, Koh KH, Grams ME, Wei C, Ko YA, Li J, Samelko B, Lee H, Dande RR, Lee HW, Hahm E, Peev V, Tracy M, Tardi NJ, Gupta V, Altintas MM, Garborcauskas G, Stojanovic N, Winkler CA, Lipkowitz MS, Tin A, Inker LA, Levey AS, Zeier M, Freedman BI, Kopp JB, Skorecki K, Coresh J, Quyyumi AA, Sever S, Reiser J.
- Nat Med (2017 Aug) 23:945-953. Abstract/Full Text
- Sickle Cell Trait and the Risk of ESRD in Blacks.
- Naik RP, Irvin MR, Judd S, Gutiérrez OM, Zakai NA, Derebail VK, Peralta C, Lewis MR, Zhi D, Arnett D, McClellan W, Wilson JG, Reiner AP, Kopp JB, Winkler CA, Cushman M.
- J Am Soc Nephrol (2017 Jul) 28:2180-2187. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1-associated glomerular disease among African-American children: a collaboration of the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) and Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network (NEPTUNE) cohorts.
- Ng DK, Robertson CC, Woroniecki RP, Limou S, Gillies CE, Reidy KJ, Winkler CA, Hingorani S, Gibson KL, Hjorten R, Sethna CB, Kopp JB, Moxey-Mims M, Furth SL, Warady BA, Kretzler M, Sedor JR, Kaskel FJ, Sampson MG.
- Nephrol Dial Transplant (2017 Jun 1) 32:983-990. Abstract/Full Text
- Absence of APOL1 risk alleles in a remote living Australian Aboriginal group with high rates of CKD, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
- Hoy WE, Kopp JB, Mott SA, Winkler CA.
- Kidney Int (2017 Apr) 91:990. Abstract/Full Text
- Therapeutics for APOL1 nephropathies: putting out the fire in the podocyte.
- Heymann J, Winkler CA, Hoek M, Susztak K, Kopp JB.
- Nephrol Dial Transplant (2017 Jan 1) 32:i65-i70. Abstract/Full Text
- Renal and Cardiovascular Morbidities Associated with APOL1 Status among African-American and Non-African-American Children with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis.
- Woroniecki RP, Ng DK, Limou S, Winkler CA, Reidy KJ, Mitsnefes M, Sampson MG, Wong CS, Warady BA, Furth SL, Kopp JB, Kaskel FJ.
- Front Pediatr (2016) 4:122. Abstract/Full Text
- Combined Effects of GSTM1 Null Allele and APOL1 Renal Risk Alleles in CKD Progression in the African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension Trial.
- Bodonyi-Kovacs G, Ma JZ, Chang J, Lipkowitz MS, Kopp JB, Winkler CA, Le TH.
- J Am Soc Nephrol (2016 Oct) 27:3140-3152. Abstract/Full Text
- Brief Report: APOL1 Renal Risk Variants Are Associated With Chronic Kidney Disease in Children and Youth With Perinatal HIV Infection.
- Purswani MU, Patel K, Winkler CA, Spector SA, Hazra R, Seage GR 3rd, Mofenson L, Karalius B, Scott GB, Van Dyke RB, Kopp JB, Pediatric HIVAIDS Cohort Study.
- J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr (2016 Sep 1) 73:63-8. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 Risk Alleles are Associated with More Severe Arteriosclerosis in Renal Resistance Vessels with Aging and Hypertension.
- Hughson MD, Hoy WE, Mott SA, Puelles VG, Bertram JF, Winkler CL, Kopp JB.
- Kidney Int Rep (2016 May) 1:10-23. Abstract/Full Text
- A role for genetic susceptibility in sporadic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
- Yu H, Artomov M, Brähler S, Stander MC, Shamsan G, Sampson MG, White JM, Kretzler M, Miner JH, Jain S, Winkler CA, Mitra RD, Kopp JB, Daly MJ, Shaw AS.
- J Clin Invest (2016 Apr 1) 126:1603. Abstract/Full Text
- Integrative Genomics Identifies Novel Associations with APOL1 Risk Genotypes in Black NEPTUNE Subjects.
- Sampson MG, Robertson CC, Martini S, Mariani LH, Lemley KV, Gillies CE, Otto EA, Kopp JB, Randolph A, Vega-Warner V, Eichinger F, Nair V, Gipson DS, Cattran DC, Johnstone DB, O'Toole JF, Bagnasco SM, Song PX, Barisoni L, Troost JP, Kretzler M, Sedor JR, Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network.
- J Am Soc Nephrol (2016 Mar) 27:814-23. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 Genotype and Race Differences in Incident Albuminuria and Renal Function Decline.
- Peralta CA, Bibbins-Domingo K, Vittinghoff E, Lin F, Fornage M, Kopp JB, Winkler CA.
- J Am Soc Nephrol (2016 Mar) 27:887-93. Abstract/Full Text
- A role for genetic susceptibility in sporadic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
- Yu H, Artomov M, Brähler S, Stander MC, Shamsan G, Sampson MG, White JM, Kretzler M, Miner JH, Jain S, Winkler CA, Mitra RD, Kopp JB, Daly MJ, Shaw AS.
- J Clin Invest (2016 Mar 1) 126:1067-78. Abstract/Full Text
- Association of APOL1 Genotype with Renal Histology among Black HIV-Positive Patients Undergoing Kidney Biopsy.
- Atta MG, Estrella MM, Skorecki KL, Kopp JB, Winkler CA, Wasser WG, Shemer R, Racusen LC, Kuperman M, Foy MC, Lucas GM, Fine DM.
- Clin J Am Soc Nephrol (2016 Feb 5) 11:262-70. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 Risk Alleles Are Associated with Exaggerated Age-Related Changes in Glomerular Number and Volume in African-American Adults: An Autopsy Study.
- Hoy WE, Hughson MD, Kopp JB, Mott SA, Bertram JF, Winkler CA.
- J Am Soc Nephrol (2015 Dec) 26:3179-89. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 Risk Variants Are Strongly Associated with HIV-Associated Nephropathy in Black South Africans.
- Kasembeli AN, Duarte R, Ramsay M, Mosiane P, Dickens C, Dix-Peek T, Limou S, Sezgin E, Nelson GW, Fogo AB, Goetsch S, Kopp JB, Winkler CA, Naicker S.
- J Am Soc Nephrol (2015 Nov) 26:2882-90. Abstract/Full Text
- Sequencing rare and common APOL1 coding variants to determine kidney disease risk.
- Limou S, Nelson GW, Lecordier L, An P, O'hUigin CS, David VA, Binns-Roemer EA, Guiblet WM, Oleksyk TK, Pays E, Kopp JB, Winkler CA.
- Kidney Int (2015 Oct) 88:754-63. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 toxin, innate immunity, and kidney injury.
- Limou S, Dummer PD, Nelson GW, Kopp JB, Winkler CA.
- Kidney Int (2015 Jul) 88:28-34. Abstract/Full Text
- Clinical Features and Histology of Apolipoprotein L1-Associated Nephropathy in the FSGS Clinical Trial.
- Kopp JB, Winkler CA, Zhao X, Radeva MK, Gassman JJ, D'Agati VD, Nast CC, Wei C, Reiser J, Guay-Woodford LM, Pollak MR, Hildebrandt F, Moxey-Mims M, Gipson DS, Trachtman H, Friedman AL, Kaskel FJ, FSGS-CT Study Consortium.
- J Am Soc Nephrol (2015 Jun) 26:1443-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Copy Number Variation at the APOL1 Locus.
- Ruchi R, Genovese G, Lee J, Charoonratana VT, Bernhardy AJ, Alper SL, Kopp JB, Thadhani R, Friedman DJ, Pollak MR.
- PLoS One (2015) 10:e0125410. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 Kidney Disease Risk Variants: An Evolving Landscape.
- Dummer PD, Limou S, Rosenberg AZ, Heymann J, Nelson G, Winkler CA, Kopp JB.
- Semin Nephrol (2015 May) 35:222-36. Abstract/Full Text
- Innate immunity pathways regulate the nephropathy gene Apolipoprotein L1.
- Nichols B, Jog P, Lee JH, Blackler D, Wilmot M, D'Agati V, Markowitz G, Kopp JB, Alper SL, Pollak MR, Friedman DJ.
- Kidney Int (2015 Feb) 87:332-42. Abstract/Full Text
- Renin lineage cells repopulate the glomerular mesangium after injury.
- Starke C, Betz H, Hickmann L, Lachmann P, Neubauer B, Kopp JB, Sequeira-Lopez ML, Gomez RA, Hohenstein B, Todorov VT, Hugo CP.
- J Am Soc Nephrol (2015 Jan) 26:48-54. Abstract/Full Text
- Protective effects of aliskiren and valsartan in mice with diabetic nephropathy.
- Wang W, Qiu L, Howard A, Solis N, Li C, Wang X, Kopp JB, Levi M.
- J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst (2014 Dec) 15:384-95. Abstract/Full Text
- Mutations in the gene that encodes the F-actin binding protein anillin cause FSGS.
- Gbadegesin RA, Hall G, Adeyemo A, Hanke N, Tossidou I, Burchette J, Wu G, Homstad A, Sparks MA, Gomez J, Jiang R, Alonso A, Lavin P, Conlon P, Korstanje R, Stander MC, Shamsan G, Barua M, Spurney R, Singhal PC, Kopp JB, Haller H, Howell D, Pollak MR, Shaw AS, Schiffer M, Winn MP.
- J Am Soc Nephrol (2014 Sep) 25:1991-2002. Abstract/Full Text
- APOL1 kidney risk alleles: population genetics and disease associations.
- Limou S, Nelson GW, Kopp JB, Winkler CA.
- Adv Chronic Kidney Dis (2014 Sep) 21:426-33. Abstract/Full Text
- Lipid biology of the podocyte--new perspectives offer new opportunities.
- Fornoni A, Merscher S, Kopp JB.
- Nat Rev Nephrol (2014 Jul) 10:379-88. Abstract/Full Text
- Podocytes degrade endocytosed albumin primarily in lysosomes.
- Carson JM, Okamura K, Wakashin H, McFann K, Dobrinskikh E, Kopp JB, Blaine J.
- PLoS One (2014) 9:e99771. Abstract/Full Text
- Evolution of the primate trypanolytic factor APOL1.
- Thomson R, Genovese G, Canon C, Kovacsics D, Higgins MK, Carrington M, Winkler CA, Kopp J, Rotimi C, Adeyemo A, Doumatey A, Ayodo G, Alper SL, Pollak MR, Friedman DJ, Raper J.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014 May 20) 111:E2130-9. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed October 2024