Thomas Schmidt, Ph.D.
Thomas Schmidt.
Scientific Focus Areas: Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics, Chemical Biology


A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.

Time-resolved DEER EPR and solid-state NMR afford kinetic and structural elucidation of substrate binding to Ca(2+)-ligated calmodulin.
Schmidt T, Jeon J, Yau WM, Schwieters CD, Tycko R, Clore GM.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2022 Feb 8) 119. Abstract/Full Text
Probing the Interaction between HIV-1 Protease and the Homodimeric p66/p66' Reverse Transcriptase Precursor by Double Electron-Electron Resonance EPR Spectroscopy.
Schmidt T, Louis JM, Clore GM.
Chembiochem (2020 Nov 2) 21:3051-3055. Abstract/Full Text
T(m) filtering by (1)H-methyl labeling in a deuterated protein for pulsed double electron-electron resonance EPR.
Schmidt T, Clore GM.
Chem Commun (Camb) (2020 Sep 17) 56:10890-10893. Abstract/Full Text
Submillisecond Freezing Permits Cryoprotectant-Free EPR Double Electron-Electron Resonance Spectroscopy.
Schmidt T, Jeon J, Okuno Y, Chiliveri SC, Clore GM.
Chemphyschem (2020 Jun 16) 21:1224-1229. Abstract/Full Text
Spatial domain organization in the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase p66 homodimer precursor probed by double electron-electron resonance EPR.
Schmidt T, Schwieters CD, Clore GM.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2019 Sep 3) 116:17809-17816. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed April 2024