Accelerating Medicines Partnership in Type 2 Diabetes (AMPT2D) - Renewal

May 2024 Council

Lead Division/Office


Point(s) of Contact

Norann Zaghloul, Ph.D.; Beena Akolkar, Ph.D.

Executive Summary

The Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP), is a pre-competitive collaboration among government, academia, and industry to improve the ongoing efforts to develop new therapies for complex, heterogeneous diseases ( The overarching goal of AMP-Common Metabolic Diseases (CMD) is to use human genetics as a powerful approach to obtain human-data derived disease understanding and biomarker/therapeutic opportunities. This is being accomplished through systematic aggregation of existing genotype-phenotype data for CMD, related traits, and its complications as well as the generation of a large amount of new -omic data which are being deposited in the portal. The goal of the NIDDK-funded component of the consortium will be to continue to build on the current capabilities of the Common Metabolic Diseases Knowledge Portal (CMDKP) and harmonize with other NIDDK resources.