Back to Class, Backed by a Plan

Backpacks are ready and pencils are sharpened—it’s back to school time—and time to help your patient with diabetes stay safe at school
Coordination and collaboration among members of the school health team and the student’s personal diabetes health care team are essential for helping students manage their diabetes in the school setting.
Here are three important tools for helping schools implement effective diabetes management for your patient:
- Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP) (DOC, 964 KB) – The DMMP is completed by the student’s personal diabetes health care team and contains the medical orders that are the basis for the student’s health care and education plans.
- Individualized Health Care Plan (IHP) (DOC, 475 KB) – This sample plan can be used by the school nurse in collaboration with the student’s personal diabetes health care team and the family to implement the student’s Diabetes Medical Management Plan in the school setting.
- Emergency Care Plans for Hypoglycemia (DOC, 550 KB) and Hyperglycemia (DOC, 564 KB) – Based on the individual student’s medical orders, these plans summarize how to recognize and treat hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and whom to contact for help.
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases' Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed: A Guide for School Personnel online resource is free and provides a set of best practices and tools that enable schools to ensure an optimal learning environment for students living with diabetes.
Take a Team Approach to Effective Diabetes Management
Part of your role supporting members of the school health care team include working collaboratively to create and implement the student’s diabetes health care plans.
What role do you play in helping a student with diabetes succeed?