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Banner for the 2015 Network of Minority Health Research Investigators 13th Annual Workshop

NMRI 13th Annual Workshop

Event Details Agenda

Event Details

Meeting Summary


More than 300 researchers have participated in NMRI workshops in the past decade, and approximately 100 are active members. The success of the NMRI, a network that is “owned” by its members and supported by the NIDDK, begins with the dedication of senior investigators who mentor and serve as role models for junior investigators. The participation of active members and the recruitment of new members is a primary reason for the Network’s success in the past and the reason for confidence that it will continue to grow in the future.

To see if you qualify for NMRI membership, please complete and submit this Enrollment Form.

Travel Awards

NMRI is committed to supporting its current members and encouraging new membership, but due to fiscal constraints we are forced to limit the Travel Awards for this year. In order to support the mission of the Network of Minority Health Research Investigators (NMRI), to increase and encourage the participation of greater number of young, vibrant and energetic NMRI members, we have chosen to broaden our horizon to include more members by limiting the Travel Awards to attend the NMRI National Conference to $600 / eligible member. Awards will be given with priority to those that (1) have never participated in a NMRI meeting, (2) are junior faculty up to the Assistant Professor level and (3) are presenters of an abstract at the NMRI poster session.

We likewise value the important contribution of our Senior Members. To this end, Senior Members who mentor a NMRI member and Senior Members at the Professor level will receive full Travel Awards. However any member who is able to obtain funds from their institution to assist with travel expenses should email Ms. Winnie Martinez. This will provide more opportunities for junior members to attend.

We realize this may be a tremendous burden for some, especially to our Junior Faculty members, however we feel strongly that NMRI is only as good as its membership and would encourage all to continue to participate in the National conference, a meeting that many of us consider is of great academic and unsurpassed personal value.

Registration Deadline

March 18, 2015

Event Logistics


Bethesda Marriott
5151 Pooks Hill Road
Bethesda, MD 20814
T: +1-800-228-9290

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