About the Lab

The Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology investigates the organization, compartmentalization, and biochemistry of eukaryotic cells and the pathology associated with human disease.

Current Research

The Laboratory uses molecular genetics and biochemical approaches to understand the mechanisms underlying intracellular trafficking of lipids, nuclear proteins, and other factors regulating transcription, replication, and signal transduction. Researchers in the Laboratory also explore the fundamental processes involved in cell cycle control, genome structure, and replication as well as the control of gene expression. Other areas of scientific interest include the glycobiology of development, stem cell biology, and epigenetics. Specific projects focus on a range of topics, including (1) the nuclear transport of transcription factors, nuclear kinases, steroid hormone receptors, and replication factors that serve a critical regulatory function; (2) the initial events of steroid hormone action, with an emphasis on glucocorticoid receptors; (3) the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance and glucose-sensing in the pancreas (as part of type 1 and type 2 diabetes); (4) the causes and consequences of repeat expansion in Fragile X syndrome and Friedreich’s ataxia; and (5) the role of O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-linked GlcNAc) and its enzymes in diabetes.

Last Reviewed March 2024