Lessen Your Stress to Help Manage Diabetes

It’s normal to feel stressed at times when living with diabetes.

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It’s normal to feel stressed at times when living with diabetes. But if you feel sad or overwhelmed in your everyday life, you may want to make some positive changes and seek support.

Hi, I’m Dr. Griffin Rodgers, Director of the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases at NIH.

Too much stress can affect your mental health and increase your risk of conditions such as anxiety and depression. It can even make it harder to manage diabetes. Try adding some calming activities, such as deep breathing, or meditation, into your routine. Physical activity or relaxing hobbies, like talking with a loved one or going for a walk, may also help lower your stress.

If you’re feeling down, ask for help. Talk to your doctor, or a mental health counselor, about your mental health and ways to cope with stress. Managing diabetes can be hard, but your health and peace of mind are worth it.

Follow us @NIDDKgov. This is Dr. Griffin Rodgers.

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