News Around NIDDK
Type 1 diabetes statutory funding reauthorized through 2013
The Special Statutory Funding Program for Type 1 Diabetes Research, which NIDDK has managed on behalf of the Health and Human Services Secretary since the program’s inception in 1998, was reauthorized in December as part of the President’s “Medicare and Medicaid Extenders Act of 2010.” The special program, which is funded separately from the NIH’s regular appropriations process, is now authorized through 2013 at $150 million per year. By the end of this period, the program’s funding will total $1.89 billion over 16 years.
The new funding will allow continued support for an important portfolio of ongoing clinical and translational research efforts to prevent, reverse and treat type 1 diabetes and its complications. The new funds will also be used for pilot studies to foster development of practical clinical trials for type 1 diabetes management and for reissuing clinical scientist career development programs (K12 grants) for childhood diabetes research career development, along with other initiatives. For more information, see Type 1 Diabetes Special Statutory Funding Program.
A comprehensive evaluation report, submitted to Congress in December 2010, describes the research consortia, networks, and resources—and the resulting scientific accomplishments—that have been enabled by the program. In addition, the report profiles type 1 diabetes researchers whose studies have been supported by the special funds. This report will be publicly available on the NIDDK web site and in hard copy this spring.
NIDDK launches the Kidney Research National Dialogue
In November 2010, an interactive web-based conversation called the Kidney Research National Dialogue was launched to identify the most pressing research questions and issues that currently face the field of nephrology.
The goal of KRND is to help determine future research opportunities for investigation by the community and research initiatives that could be supported by NIDDK. During Phase I—which ended March 1, 2011—participants were able to post ideas, contribute to existing discussions, and vote anonymously. The results will be used to prepare a “Blueprint for Kidney Research” that clearly articulates future opportunities to be pursued by the entire research community.
Thus far, the KRND community of approximately 500 registrants has generated about 200 ideas in 11 concurrent topic areas, all supported by lively discussions and voting. Clinicians and researchers, along with trainees and kidney patients from around the world, have demonstrated an interest in the Dialogue.
KRND is NIDDK’s first use of social networking technology for strategic planning and may serve as a model for interactive discussions of future NIDDK initiatives. More information about the KRND is available here.