Ad Bax Group Pulse Programs
The Ad Bax Group makes available pulse programs for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) research.
Our pulse programs are available behind our new, NIH-required login.
Multiple login options—including Google and Microsoft—are freely available.
Available Pulse Programs
- 2D IPAP [15N,1H] HSQC
- 3D J-modulated HSQC
- 2D Constant-time TROSY J N-C'
- CBCA(CO)NH-JCH 3D Quantitative J Correlation
- 2D IPAP [13C,1H] CT-HSQC for Methyl Groups
- 3D Long Range 1H-1H Dipolar Coupling
- Long Range Dipolar Coupling with Nearest-Neighbor Decoupling
- Measurement of RDC in nucleic acid bases HC(C)-hd-TROSY-ECOSY
- Purine version
- Pyrimidine version
- H5C5-hd-TROSY Sample Data and NMRPipe Scripts
- H5C5(C6)-hd-TROSY-ECOSY Sample Data and NMRPipe Scripts
- Sample Data for intermediate processing and optimization
- Information on processing optimization
- 2D Selective CT 1H-31P NOESY
- 3D TROSY HNCO Quantitative J C'-CA
- 3D TROSY HN(CO)CA Quantitative J C'-CA
- Pulse Sequences for J(NC) in Nucleic Acids
- 3D spin-state selective HBCBCA
- 3D spin-state selective H5'C5'C4'
- 3D HNCA MQ Experiments for 3J Measurement
- 3D CT-MQ(1HN,13CA)+SQ(1HN)-HNCA spectra for 3JHN,HA (pulse code)
- 3D MQ(1HN,13CA)-HNCA experiments for 3JHN,CB (pulse code)
- 3D CT-MQ(1HN,13CA)-HNCA spectrum for 3JHN,C' (pulse code)
- 2D ARTSY for 1DNH RDC measurement
- Hydrogen Exchange (WEX-III) TROSY
- imino 15N-1H and base 13C-1H ARTSY for 1DNH and 1DCH RDC measurement in RNA
- SJS-HSQC for small molecule RDC (Angew. Chem. 2011, 50, 1-6)
- ARTSY-HNCO for measuring 1DHN couplings (JACS 2021, 143, 19306-19310)
- TATER-HNCO for measuring 2D(HN-C') couplings (JACS 2021, 143, 19306-19310)
- Anisotropic Shift Measurements:
- H1C1C2
- H1C1(C2)C3
- H1C1(C2C3)C4
- (H5)C5(C4C3C2)C1H1
- H1'->C1' -> C2' Out-and-Back CCH COSY
- CH2-TROSY Experiments:
- 2D [13C,1H] Correlation for DNA
- 2D [13C,1H] Correlation for Glycine
- 2D [13C,1H] Correlation for Protein Sidechains
- 3D [13C,1H,1H] TROSY-NOESY for DNA
- 3D constant-time parallel evolution HMQC-IPAP-NOESY
- 3D mixed-time parallel evolution HMQC-NOESY
- HSQC and TROSY experiments for measuring RNA base 13C residual CSA and pseudo-CSA shift
- 15N Relaxation Experiments (TROSY and sensitivity-enhanced HSQC)
- 1H T2 measurement by 2D Hahn-echo TROSY
- Homonuclear decoupling for enhancing resolution and sensitivity in NOE and RDC measurements of peptides and proteins
- Bruker acqu parameters and pulse code for 1D BASH (analog mode)
- Updated Bruker pulse code for 1D BASH in the digital mode
- Bruker acqu parameters and pulse code for 2D noesy with BASH
- Bruker acqu parameters and pulse code for HSQC with BASH
- Bruker acqu parameters and pulse code for 3D HA coupled hncoca with BASH
- HNCOCONH for the measurement of 3J(C'C')
- Accurate Measurement of (3)JHNHa Couplings in Small or Disordered Proteins from WATERGATE-optimized TROSY Spectra
- ARTSY-J: Convenient and precise measurement of 3JHNHa couplings in mediume-size proteins from TROSY-HSQC spectra
- Include File (includes definitions of items used in the pulse program)
Use multiple login options—including Google, Microsoft, or NIH account—to access the Ad Bax Group pulse programs.
Click on the “Access Pulse Programs” button.
NIH badge holders can use the “Smart Card Login” or “Authenticator App.”
Members of the public can scroll to the bottom of the page below the “Authenticator App” box and
- click on a preferred login option,
- follow the prompts to enter credentials, and
- confirm sharing account name with NIH.