K12: Clinical Scientist Institutional Career Development Award

The purpose of this program is to support institutional career development awards designed to prepare newly trained clinicians who have made a commitment to independent research careers, and to facilitate their transition to more advanced support mechanisms, e.g., K08 and K23.  The awards are made to institutions that select and then appoint scholars to the program.

The K12 at NIDDK  

The NIDDK issues special Notices of Funding Opportunities for its K12 programs.  There are currently three programs supported by such NOFOs at the NIDDK.  Links for more program information are provided below.

Multidisciplinary K12 Urologic Research (KURe) Career Development Program

This program supports institutional career development programs in urological research that will assist individuals with doctorate degrees (either clinical or professional) with an interest in benign urological disease or urological research to develop the skills necessary to initiate and sustain an independent research career in urological research.

DiabDocs National K12 Physician Scientist Career Development Program

A highly collaborative national program, providing mentoring, protected effort, and research funds for physician-scientists in diabetes research across the country.

Urological Epidemiology (UroEpi) Institutional Research Career Development Program

This Program invites institutional career development program (K12) applications in the area of epidemiology of benign urological conditions.


Each K12 NOFO stipulates the funding available for the program and scholar support. Please see the details in the corresponding program links.



To explore support on one of the K12 programs above, please visit the program websites available under the links above. In general, supported scholars must be U.S. citizens, noncitizen nationals, or have permanent residence in the United States.  Physicians appointed as scholars must have completed fellowship training at the time of appointment.

Principal Investigator

Each NOFO outlines the requirements for the program principal investigator.  In general, the overall Principal Investigator should be an established investigator in the scientific area in which the application is targeted and capable of providing both administrative and scientific leadership.

Staff Contact

Multidisciplinary K12 Urologic Research (KURe) Career Development Program
DiabDocs National K12 Physician Scientist Career Development Program
Urological Epidemiology (UroEpi) Institutional Research Career Development Program
Last Reviewed November 2024