Browse Staff by Office

Metabolic Diseases Branch

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Metabolic Diseases Branch.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Weinstein, Lee 301-402-2923 Chief

Endocrine Signaling and Oncogenesis Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Endocrine Signaling and Oncogenesis Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Simonds, William 301-496-9299 Section Chief
Zhang, Jianhua 301-451-1850 Staff Scientist

Signal Transduction Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Signal Transduction Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Weinstein, Lee 301-402-2923 Section Chief
Agarwal, Sunita 301-402-7834 Staff Scientist
Chen, Min 301-496-0790 Staff Scientist
Jha, Smita 301-827-1930 Associate Research Physician

Thyroid Tumors and Functional Thyroid Disorders Section

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Thyroid Tumors and Functional Thyroid Disorders Section.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Klubo-Gwiezdzinska, Joanna 301-496-5052 Acting Section Chief
Cochran, Craig 301-402-1880 Senior Research Nurse
Cox, Della 301-827-2839 Patients' Care Coordinator
Behiri, Noha 301-496-5052 Research Trainee
Gubbi, Sriram 301-827-2770 Associate Research Physician
Shobab, Leila 301-496-7778 Guest Researcher
Studlack, Paige 301-827-7033 Clinical Protocol Navigator
Uttarkar Vikram, Chandra Nayan 301-402-0000 Database Manager
Veeraraghavan, Padmasree 301-451-7710 Research Nurse
Zemskova, Marina 301-435-6119 Special Volunteer